To access your Personalized Learning Plans, from your Davis Advantage dashboard for your class, click PLP in the top navigation menu.
There are three different display options under PLP, Personalized Learning (1), Clinical Judgment (2) and Quizzing (3). Your PLPs for each assignment type populate after you've completed an assignment.
To select the display of a certain assignment type, click the button.
For Personalized Learning Assignments, click Review to go back into the module for a topic and review the content.
For Clinical Judgment assignments, click Review to go back into the module for a topic and review the content.
For quizzing assignments, you have a few more options. You can click review to take another look at your quiz and quiz results.
If you keep scrolling down, you'll see that you can also create a practice quiz for yourself by clicking Create Practice Quiz.
To build a practice quiz, enter a name for your quiz (1), choose between two ways to display topics, Course Topic or Concept (2), select which topics you'd like to cover on your practice quiz (3), how many questions you'd like in the quiz (4), and whether or not you'd like to filter out questions you've already answered correctly (5).
Once you've made these choices, click Start Quiz (6).
You can now complete your practice quiz.
Once you have completed a practice quiz, the results will appear under Practice Quizzes and you can go back and review the practice quiz any time.
At the bottom of the Quizzing PLP page, you will see Success Level, which is another way to create practice quizzes. You can click the button that says Create Practice Quiz to create a quiz here using the same steps as above. Your results will also be tracked here.