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Home > Davis Advantage Single Course Link (LTI 1.3) > Instructor > LTI 1.3 Single Course Link Instructor: Access Actionable Analytics: Davis Advantage
LTI 1.3 Single Course Link Instructor: Access Actionable Analytics: Davis Advantage
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Grades will automatically "write-back" from Davis Advantage to your Learning Management System, so you can view all grades from your LMS Gradebook or Grade Center, but additional Analytics are available from your Davis Advantage Dashboard and Assignments Tabs.


The Dashboard displays information about your students’ performance. Select the View button on the line with the name of your class.


Screenshot of Instructor Classes page in Davis Advantage with red arrow and box calling attention to the View button which is used to access Instructor Dashboard


At a glance, the Dashboard View provides you with several actionable analytics for your students' performance on each of the three different assignment types in Advantage: Personalized Learning, Clinical Judgment, and Quizzing. For each assignment type, you can quickly review the class-wide average performance (1), time spent on assignments (2), and rate of participation (3). As your students complete more work in the platform, the dashboard will also populate strengths and weaknesses (4) to show you your students' strongest and weakest topic areas.


Screenshot of Instructor Dashboard in Davis Advantage with red numbers calling attention to metrics for 1. class-wide average performance, 2. time spent on assignments, 3. rate of participation, and 4. strengths and weaknesses


View Assignments

To view your students’ performance on each assigned topic, click the "View Assignments" button, located in the Details panel at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Instructor Dashboard in Davis Advantage with red box calling attention to View Assignments button


In the Assignments view, you can review due dates, student participation/completion rates, and average time spent on specific Davis Advantage assignments. 

The assignments page will open by default to the full list of Personalized Learning assignments for your course. For each topic, a quick glance reveals overall class performance on the pre- and post-assessments. For overall assessment performance, you will see the following…

Red thumbs-down: The average score for the class on the assessment is less than or equal to 69%.

Yellow thumbs-up: The average score for the class on the assessment is between 70–79%.

Green thumbs-up: The average score for the class on the assessment is 80% or above.


For each topic listed, you will also see the assignment Due Date (1), the rate of Participation showing how many students began the assignment (2), how many students Completed the assignment (3), and the Average Time spent on that specific assignment. You can use the Display tab to view separate listings of class performance on Clinical Judgment and Edge Quizzing assignments. You can also quickly access your Class Setup from this page to Edit Assignments (2) or View Details to review individual student results (3).


Screenshot of Instructor Assignments page in Davis Advantage with red numbers calling attention to student data for 1. Due Date 2. Participation 3. Date Completed and 4. Average Time spent on the assignment, as well as red boxes highlighting the assignment Display tab, Edit Assignments and View Details buttons.


View Student Details

Screenshot of Instructor Assignments page in Davis Advantage cropped to show one assignment with a red box calling attention to the View Details button


The View Details button allows you to view more granular metrics for individual student performance on a specific topic and assignment type. 


Screenshot of Instructor Assignments page in Davis Advantage cropped to show an assignment with View Details selected to view a list of individual student metrics


The thumbs up/thumbs down icons tell you how each student performed on each step of the Personalized Learning Assignments. Individual students receive:

  • Red thumbs-down if they score less than 80% on a pre- or post-assessment for a topic (demonstrating the need for remediation)

  • Green thumbs-up if they score 80% or greater on a pre- or post-assessment for a topic (demonstrating competency)

Note: If a student has completed the Post-Assessment more than once, the thumb icon will be replaced with the number of attempts they made. This can be seen in the second example below.


Screenshot of Instructor Assignments page in Davis Advantage cropped to show Assignment Details for individual students with red boxes and numbers calling attention to student data for 1. Progress percentages 2. Date Completed 3. Time Spent and 4. View Results button to show individual answers


View Details also allows you to review each student's current level of Progress on the assignment (1), the date they completed the topic (2) and how much time they spent within that topic (3). 

Note on Progress: The percentages reported for each student’s progress are based on the Learning Requirements you established while setting up your class. In the example above, the instructor chose to not require students to complete the Video, Activity and Post-Assessment if they scored 80% or above (a green thumbs up) on the initial Pre-Assessment quiz. The students in this class are only required to complete the entire activity if the received a red thumbs down.

To view an individual student’s responses to the pre-and post-assessment, click "View Results" (4). The student's answers will appear in a new pop-up window. 


Screenshot of Instructor Assignments page in Davis Advantage with the View Results page open for an individual student assignment


If you want to view student analytics for Clinical Judgment assignments, select “Clinical Judgement” on the Display tab. If you want to view Quizzing assignments, select "Quizzing." 


Screenshot of Instructor Assignments page in Davis Advantage cropped to show Display banner with a red box calling attention to tabs to view Clinical Judgment and Quizzing assignments


Clinical Judgment and Quizzing assignment analytics are both displayed in the same general layout, with two slight variations from the Personalized Learning assignments. Unlike Personalized Learning, these two assignment types will show just one overall rating for student Competency (1), along with the exact Percent Correct (2) of questions answered. Like Personalized Learning, you can also review the Date Completed (3) and Time Spent (4), and a button to View Results for individual student answers (5).


Screenshot of Instructor Assignments page in Davis Advantage cropped to show Assignment Details for individual students on a Clinical Judgment assignment with red numbers calling attention to student data for 1. Competency 2. Percent Correct 3. Date Completed 4. Time Spent and 5. View Results button

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